Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Longtime, Sunshine

(this is a repost from another blog that I started with a friend in Seattle - we decided to try and run the LA marathon when he gets back down and blog of our epic tales...MikeAndAlexRunAMarathon)

Title has no relation to anything in this post besides the fact that's it been a while since I posted and Weezer is pretty cool.

Quick update on the running:
Week of Jan 11 & 18: I ran 4 out of the 7 days. Upped to 3 miles a run by the end of it. Still ate like a fat, fat llama. Sprinkled a couple meals of chicken breast + vegetable and special K cereal, which by the way, is great in all its flavors: fruits and cream, blueberry, strawberry.. mmmm delicious.

Week of Jan 25: Did not run AT ALL. ate EVERYTHING. But got these awesome running shoes from Jimmy Lee for my birthday on the 30th (part of the reason why I justified eating fajitas, queso dip, kimchee and fried chicken, tacos, tacos, tacos, tacos)

BUT THIS WEEK! (Feb 1-7)
I am running! I am strong! I was made fun of Sunday night by my dad's friend who is 60+ years old and runs marathons all the time. I was embarassed and furious. But I went out that night and ate creme brulee and banana fosters while smoking a cigar and drinking scotch... seriously.

BUT MONDAY MORNING! I strapped my shoes, puts some underwear on, imagined the rocky montage - and with my ipod in hand/ears - I did my 3 miles, 50 situps, 25 pushup and yoga poses in the morning! YES! WIN!

THEN MONDAY NIGHT! I go out and meet some church friends and we decide to jacuzzi.. we also read the Bible while jacuzzing.. it was pretty holy. and then some of us decided to go to our new favorite mexican taco/burrito/torta/quesadilla place in Los Angeles (in Glendale). Seriously. amazing... wait a hot darn minute! Isn't this blog about marathon running, Alex!?! I know, shut up! I have to build up to the image I'm about to post. Anyways, I realize for the 5th time that night that I have no self control and eat two tacos (lengua and pastor & half a chicken burrito & bites of someone else's quesadilla) AND the best horchata ever. you don't believe me huh? you think your mexican hole-in-the-wall is better and greasier and mexicaner huh? unfortunately, you're very wrong and you can kindly stick yourself in your hole-in-the-wall place and continue to live a life of lies and tootsie rolls.... just kidding, but you should check it out.


I just yelped that place in the middle of this blog entry.....

Sooooooooo... i eat and eat and eat..... would I be able to wake up the next morning to run? Will the 60+ years korean man be right? Who loves orange soda? Why do I continue to be an enormous fat lard? because it makes for an epic RUN the next morning!!!!! continue....

I wake up, I may have had less than 5 hours of sleep... BUT I got up and got on the treadmill and started at spead 5.5 (which is about 11 min per mile) but then decided.. EFF IT. LETS DO THIS! and went to 6 (10 min per mile)! Granted this is all a treadmill and it carries you and nya nya nya nya. ok. SHUT UP.

It was a hard run because well.. if you've gotten down to here.. you should know by now.. but two things I would like the masses and millions of rabid fans that are reading this blog to get from this run. Two things that capsulate the experience vicariously of what went on during this epic run....

NUMBER ONE - this is what I felt was going on inside my ass around mile 2.5:

AND NUMBER TWO - I had a GREAT GRRRREEATT ipod shuffle. It wasn't necessarily the best mix for running but it just hit hard in all the right places with things going on in my life and what I was feeling while running and..... it was just a good time to reflect and it got me going through the image above and stay committed to running the rest of the run.. even if it was just for one more day. I really enjoyed the little victories this morning.

Here's the playlist:

1. *Overrated - Gavin Degraw [Chariot Stripped]
2. Sympathetic Vibrations [The Paper Raincoat]
3. Detlef Schrempf - Band of Horses [Cease to Begin]
4. Stop This Train - John Mayer [Continuum]
5. Make It Mine - Jason Mraz [We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things]
6. Red - Okkervil River [Don't Fall In Love With Everyone You See]
7. Pistachio - Lisa Hannigan [Sea Sew]
8. Career Day - The Format [Interventions and Lullabies]
9. Fight Test - Flaming Lips [Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots]

*I skipped halfway through because it was really slow but I listened back on the way to work and it was great!

anyways, back to work. hahahahhaah toodles.


  1. Hahaha, RADAD.
    I realized I forgot to comment, so here I am.. commenting.
    I didn't click the Taco Azteca link the first time... So I major LOL'd when I saw that you wrote a review on Yelp this time around.
    On a serious note, you've sort of inspired me to run a marathon, too!
    We'll see if I make it happen..........

  2. hm. holy jacuzzing was really fun. gavin degraw reminded me of claremont alex. and the running - keep going! even with all the fattiness and explosion going on inside. hwaeeting! (can you say, fobby?)
